Discussion Event held on Disability Inclusive DRR Resource Book Draft

LALITPUR – Under the leadership of the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration (MOFAGA) of the Government of Nepal and with the support of USAID Tayar Nepal and in technical support of the Atullya Foundation, a discussion program was held on the draft of the Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Resource Book at the Square Hotel located in Pulchowk on the 2nd of Kartik.

Mr. Rishi Raj Acharya, Under Secretary, MOFAGA, emphasized that their ongoing efforts to reduce the risks associated with disability and disaster are more reform-oriented than ever before. He underlined the importance of creating awareness about the intersection of disability and disaster at the local level. Furthermore, he pointed out that the resource book is a vital tool to bridge the knowledge gap at the local level. This resource book aims to promote the inclusion of disability considerations in disaster risk reduction at the grassroots. By doing so, local levels can incorporate these into their annual budget plans, ultimately minimizing the risk faced by persons with disabilities during disasters.

During the program, Ms. Tika Dahal, President, Nepal Disabled Women Association, shared her insights on the draft. She stressed the need for an access audit to be mentioned in the document and emphasized that the format set by the Government of Nepal and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) should be the standard for addressing persons with disabilities.

 Mr. Bhesh Parajuli, IFRC added that the resource book should highlights on ensuring the meaningful participation of Persons with Disabilities in various phases of disaster management, including hazard mapping, risk assessment, preparedness planning, and monitoring.

Ms. Rama Dhakal, speaking on behalf of the Federation of Women with Disability-Nepal, stressed the priority of dignity in the resource book. She also emphasized the importance of detailing how to assist persons with disabilities during disasters. She further pointed out the necessity of emergency “Get Ready” bags that include a white cane for the visually impaired and a copy and pen for effective communication for those with hearing impairments.

In the program, other concerned stakeholders collectively acknowledged that the topics outlined in the resource book are inherently complex. They mentioned the need for comprehensive stakeholder support to make this information more accessible.

The event was attended by representatives from various Nepal government agencies, donor organizations, and relevant associations. Mr. Santosh Kumar Khatri, MOFAGA, efficiently conducted and facilitated the program.

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